Month: July 2024

Research points to Intelligent Life on Earth before Humans

UFO & Aliens

Climatologist Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, together with Adam Frank, a scientist at the...
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BREAKING: China claims its ‘Sky Eye’ telescope may have received signals from alien civilizations


The report quotes Zhang Tonjie, chief scientist of an extraterrestrial civilization search team co-founded by Beijing Normal University,...
Read More Read More: BREAKING: China claims its ‘Sky Eye’ telescope may have received signals from alien civilizations

James Webb telescope detects signs of alien life in the atmosphere of a distant water world

James Webb Space Telescope

The telescope, set to revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos, has already begun to reveal intriguing information about distant...
Read More Read More: James Webb telescope detects signs of alien life in the atmosphere of a distant water world

¡Está vivo! El módulo de aterrizaje lunar de Japón vuelve a la vida y comienza a tomar fotos

Spanish Articles

El histórico módulo de aterrizaje inteligente japonés para investigar la Luna (SLIM) vuelve a estar en funcionamiento diez días...
Read More Read More: ¡Está vivo! El módulo de aterrizaje lunar de Japón vuelve a la vida y comienza a tomar fotos
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